Laundry chutes for commercial development (hotels, guesthouses, hospitals and so on)

- - -Recently, laundry chute systems have been required very often in commercial developments, especially in hotels, guesthouses, medical facilities and homes for senior citizens. The main difference between the ARTOX 40 laundry chute and the laundry chute for households is the size of the chute duct, which is 40 cm in diameter and, of course, has a bigger intake door, 50x40 cm. This allows users to throw in larger amounts of laundry. The intake door for commercial application can be supplied in any colour.

This type of laundry chute is again made of non-static, hygienic and non-flammable material - STAINLESS STEEL. It is possible to provide a fire resistance assessment for EW15 DP1 for ARTOX 40 intake doors. ARTOX 40 is not designed exclusively for commercial application; it is often used in larger family houses as well.

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Examples of ARTOX laundry chutes installed in commercial projects:

  • Bouda MÁMA luxurious mountain hotel in Pec pod Sněžkou
  • VYSOČANSKÝ PIVOVAR hotel in Prague 7
  • Construction of Tvrz Letohrad currently taking place



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